Contact Me

Throughout my coaching career I have run into many business at different stages where the owner just needs someone to bounce ideas off of. One reason that I offer this service is because I am really good at brain-


Whether you just need someone to review your idea or you need some new ideas – let’s get you that ah-ha light bulb moment together.

Maybe you don’t have anyone to run things by because you don’t think they will understand or be able to add value.

Your idea does nothing if it is just sitting in your head – let’s bring it to life!

Contact Me

Throughout my coaching career I have run into many business at different stages where the owner just needs someone to bounce ideas off of. One reason that I offer this service is because I am really good at brain-


Whether you just need someone to review your idea or you need some

new ideas – let’s get you that ah-ha moment together.

Maybe you don’t know who to run things by because you don’t think they

will understand or be able to add value.

Your idea does nothing if it is just sitting in your head – let’s bring it to life!

Joyful solutions © 2023 | All rights reserved.

Joyful solutions © 2024 | All rights reserved.